Embark on a wickedly entertaining adventure with "Epic Resort: Villain's Vacation," the enticing board game expansion by Floodgate Games. In a unique twist, the darkest souls in the land, tired from their ceaseless plotting, decide it's time for a tropical getaway. It falls upon you to construct a resort tailored for vampires, witches, and crazed alchemists most foul. This expansion, the first for Epic Resort, introduces a host of new elements, including villains, fresh tourists, additional workers, and the epic presence of a monstrous entity. Immerse yourself in a whimsical journey as you cater to the needs of these unconventional vacationers, adding a delightful layer of complexity and fun to the original game. Elevate your Epic Resort experience with Villain's Vacation, where villains take center stage in their quest for a sinisterly good time in the sun.